Election of Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications

Sample Form – Election of Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications

ABC Limited (the “Company”), the Company will make available the following options for you to elect for receipt of future corporate communications (“Corporate Communications”) of the Company, which means any document(s) issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of any holders of its securities, including but not limited to (a) the directors’ report, its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditors’ report and, where applicable, its summary financial report; (b) the interim report and, where applicable, summary interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form, in the following manners:

(1) to read all future Corporate Communications published on the Company’s website at [www.ABCLimited.com] (“Website Version”) in place of receiving printed copies, and receive the Company’s printed notification letter of the publication of the Corporate Communications on its website; or

(2) to receive the printed English version of all future Corporate Communications.

In support of environmental protection and for the purpose of saving printing and mailing costs, the Company recommends you to select the Website Version. To make your election, please mark (X) in the appropriate box on the enclosed reply form and sign and return it by post or hand delivery to the Company c/o its Kong share registrar (the “Share Registrar”), [Name of Registrar] at [address of Registrar].

If the Company does not receive the enclosed reply form or does not receive a response indicating the objection from you by [date] and until you inform the Company c/o the Share Registrar by reasonable notice in writing according to the relevant laws and regulations, you are deemed to consent to we you are deemed to consent to website communication only, and a notification letter of the publication of the Corporate Communications on website will be sent to you.

You have the right at any time by reasonable notice in writing to the Company c/o the Kong Registrar or by email to [email address] to change the choice of means of receipt of the Corporate Communications. Even if you have chosen (or are deemed to have consented) to receive all future Corporate Communications using electronic means but for any reason have difficulty in receiving or gaining access to the Corporate Communications, the Company will promptly upon your request send the Corporate Communications to you in printed form free of charge.